Alaska at its Best


1,283.5 pound pumpkin

Palmer is just 42 miles northeast of Anchorage and is home to one of the most popular events in the state, the Alaska State Fair.  This 12-day festival takes place at the end of summer and has been a time-honored tradition for nearly 80 years.  After hearing about the monster veggies competing for first place ribbons, we decided to stop by during Labor Day weekend to see them firsthand and get some good, wholesome entertainment.  Giant cabbages take center stage and the contest began in 1941 with a 23 pounder winning the prize.  The vegetables have been supersized over the years and a new world record was set in 2012 with a weight of 138.25 pounds.  The blue ribbon winning pumpkin this year tipped the scales at 1,283.5 pounds and looked like it had been juiced up on steroids.  The freakish size of the vegetables is generally attributed to the long hours of summer sunlight that keep them growing through midnight.  We were thoroughly impressed with the fantasy like measurements of them all and thought once again, “only in Alaska”.

Um encontro, uma grande festa junina fora de época, um evento anual em cada estado, só que em uma versão extra, estamos no State Fair de Alasca. Este ano na cidade de Palmer, apenas 86km de Anchorage. São muitas barraquinhas com exposição de artesanato, comidas típicas, roda gigante, apresentações, shows e muito mais para todas as idades. Uma das maiores atrações, especialmente desse estado são os legumes gigantes. Eles crescem mais do que o normal devido ao tempo de sol que recebem. Um dos shows que fomos assistir, o do lenhador, muito legal! Além das muitas gincanas que todos participam e ganham prémios.

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