Land of the Midnight Sun


Twilight after 10:30 PM

It’s been a bit of a shock for us to look outside at 10:30 PM and still see the sun shining bright.  Because of it’s northern location, Alaska receives more hours of sunlight in spring and summer than any other state and many other parts of the world.  In Barrow, the state’s northernmost community in the Arctic Circle, the sun doesn’t set for more than two and a half months.  It took us a few days to get used to dusk stretching past midnight and we can understand why many visitors end up with out of whack sleep cycles.  Lucky for us, we haven’t really had to worry about losing daylight before trying to squeeze in any late afternoon hikes.  Since the summer solstice already passed, every day has about six fewer minutes of sunlight a day.  So, with days that seemingly never end, the “there aren’t enough hours in the day” excuse doesn’t fly around here. 

Acordar as 4:30 da madrugada e ir dormir umas 23:30 da noite? Só quem quiser acompanhar o sol. Chocante e ao mesmo tempo incrível olhar no relógio e vê-lo brilhando lá fora. Devido a sua localizção super norte, Alasca recebe mais horas de sol na primavera e verão do que qualquer outra parte do mundo. Nosso fuso horário, comer, dormir, dia e noite esta completamente bagunçado, mas, em breve nos acostumaremos. Então para aqueles que queriam que o dia tivesse mais horas, segue a dica, verão no hemisfério norte!

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