Day 360: ¡Viva Mexico!


Sunset from Mérida's Gran Plaza

We can enthusiastically say that our visit to Mexico exceeded our expectations and changed our perception of our Southern neighbors. The people are some of the friendliest we met and were always willing to strike up a conversation or help us on the street. The foods, although almost always more than just “a little bit spicy”, were tastier than the “Tex-Mex” versions we’ve enjoyed for years. And the diversity and cultural heritage thoroughly impressed from the cool mountain town of San Cristóbal, to the amazing Maya ruins in Palenque, to the picture perfect beaches around Tulum. As our last stop in Mexico, the beautiful colonial town of Mérida was the quintessential place to end our Mexican adventure but one day we’ll be back for more exploration.

México, ah México! Você superou nossas expectativas, mudou nossa percepção e ficará em um lugar mais que especial em nos nossos corações! Todos os mexicanos mais que amigáveis que cruzaram o nosso caminho, e sempre dispostos a nos ajudar. A comida super saborosa, super temperada e extremamente picante, que nos fascinou. Diversidade, herança cultural, o calor de Tulum, o friozinho de San Cristobal e as ruínas de Palenque, todos os lugares encantadores, só estando aqui para ver essa beleza tropical. Infelizmente nossa última parada é Mérida, e fechamos o ciclo México com chave de ouro nessa bela cidade. E como esse país é bem grande, sem dúvidas nenhuma voltaremos em breve para mais exploração.

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One thought on “Day 360: ¡Viva Mexico!

  1. It is good to have this perception from you as you traveled all over the world, and visited so many other places and cultures…
    I will certainly visit Mexico one day !

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