If you ask someone what comes to mind when they think of Brazil and the Carnaval celebrations might be one of the first things mentioned. Some of the unmistakable images seen around the world are of a big party with huge colorful floats, people dancing samba, and everyone smiling and having a great time. Most people don’t realize how much goes into the process of making the “party” come to life. There are several different styles of Carnaval festivals throughout Brazil and in São Paulo samba schools compete in a parade. Each school normally represents a neighborhood so the local community spends almost the entire year planning and preparing for their big night in the Sambadrome. Sufficient time is needed to chose a theme, write the music, create the costumes, build the floats, and produce the choreography. Ultimately, all of the pieces come together to expose the theme that is specific for the parade that year. Some of the larger schools have over 4,000 participants so it takes a lot of practice and coordination for everything to go smoothly. In São Paulo everyone in the school has 65 minutes to traverse the 530 meter long alley while a panel of judges closely observes and rates the performances. The execution, energy and spirit exhibited, and the ability of the samba school member to excite the crowd all combine to receive high marks. It’s a true spectacle and an experience like no other feeling the rhythmic energy of the drum line. It was special being there to take it all in and we had a great time appreciating the art presented through the parade.
Foram 24 anos vividos sem nem dar muita atenção a minha própria cultura, mas só vivendo fora mesmo para valorizar e apreciar o que faz parte da história do meu país. Agradeço a vida por ter me aberto os olhos e grande parte ao meu gringo que me faz olhar pra minha terra com outros olhos. Olhos vibrantes com as cores verde, amarelho, azul e branco. Então, já que tudo deu certo e estamos aqui bem na folia… vamos pro Anhembi! Passar a noite em claro, aproveitar cada momento, cantar a música conforme nossa Vai-Vai querida desfila para nós na avenida. Já passamos em vários lugares, mas não tem, nem jamais existirá nenhum lugar do mundo onde a energia é tão contagiante. Onde a idéia das bonitonas peladas, com samba no pé é lindo, porem, bem pouco se comparando a letra do enredo e ao tum tum tum da bateria, além da arte das fantasias e dos grandes carros alegóricos. Assistir na televisão nem se compara com a emoção de estar lá ao vivo, porque Carnaval é isso, é fecilidade, é uma peça teatral, com uma bela história para contar, com uma combinação de sorrisos, ao som dos tambores a soar. Feliz Carnaval! Vamos aproveitar!!!
That is right ! Brazil Carnaval is rich in vibrant music, exotic costumes and dancing… it is a contagious festival… there is not another experience as this !!!
Hope Vai-Vai did a good job !!!