Day 11: So sorry…


The cash we withdrew when we arrived in Tokyo lasted over a week but getting additional funds would be more difficult than we ever imagined.  “Card not valid” was the message we got from the ATM at the convenience store so we went to a bank next.  The bank didn’t have an English option so we tried the card anyway and it was returned to us promptly just as well.  We tried more than 10 other ATMs before we accepted our card was the problem and we’d have to find another way.  After getting some advice at a hotel, we went to the Post Office and were finally able to get some money out at the ATM there.  Had we read the guidebook at our guesthouse we would’ve known that most ATMs here don’t accept debit cards issued outside of Japan.  Instead, we spent the afternoon looking at the lady on the ATM screen humbly bow her head and let us know she couldn’t help us.

Nós ja sabiamos que Quioto é uma cidade pequena, porém muito turística, e foi por esse mesmo motivo que decidimos ter o privilégio de estar visitando os belissímos e mais antigos templos do Japão. Mas, nunca pensamos que tirar dinheiro do caixa eletronico (ATM) fosse ser motivo de andar por mais de 4 horas, com fome, com sede e super cansados. Todos os ATMs que fomos eram só para cartões do Japão, nenhum aceitava cartão intercional. Tentamos mais de 10 lugares e a mensagem que recebiamos era sempre essa japonesa nos pedindo desculpas (que nem a foto). Paramos em um hotel super chique e o senhor da recepção nos aconselhou a ir na agência de correios. E lá finalmente conseguimos tirar um dinheirinho… se não, teriamos que assaltar alguém (brincadeira!!).

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2 thoughts on “Day 11: So sorry…

  1. Yep, the funny thing about little travel hiccups is that there is almost always a resolution you can look back at with a smile later on…

  2. Bryan, Kinda reminds me of a situation we encountered in London with the tour group (22 of us) I was “leading” (along with a preacher friend). We’d flown in after our several days of touring Israel and when we went to check in at the hotel listed in our itinerary, we were told that there were no reservations there for our group. Duuuuhhhhh! What now? Well, that’s a long story you’ll just have to wait for. Norman

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